Easiest No Knead Focaccia

Not that you need any excuse to make this easy-peasy focaccia at any time, but this rustic aromatic bread is the perfect company to every holiday feast. It compliments any meal, from soup to meat, without outshining it. Plus, leftovers can be stored and eaten for days as a sandwich. With only a few ingredients and zero skills needed, you can whip up this recipe in a heartbeat. You don’t believe me? I have two words for you: no kneading. This practically means that this hearty bread makes itself. Seriously, it is the easiest no-knead focaccia recipe. Try this and prepare to be amazed.

yeaheating easiest no knead focaccia


1 sachet dry yeast (about 7 grams)

2 1/2 cups or 625 mL water

2 tsp honey

4 plus 3/4 cups or 600 grams bread flour (type 1050)

1 – 2 tbsp chopped rosemary

2 tsp salt

8 tbsp olive oil

Flaky sea salt


Step 1

Firstly, mix the yeast with lukewarm water and some honey into a bowl. To check the water temperature, my grandma has a simple rule: put your pinky in the warm water and count to ten. At around ten, if it feels pretty hot but still bearable, the water has the perfect temperature.

Step 2

Let the yeast mixture sit for a couple of minutes – it should be cloudy or foamy. Then, add the chopped rosemary, salt and flour and mix with a spatula. That’s it. No kneading needed, no elbow grease and effort whatsoever. Just mix it all together with the spatula and you are halfway there!

Step 3

This time, the fridge – and nature – should do the rest. There is a reason I call it the easiest no knead focaccia recipe ever. Add half of the olive oil into a big bowl and transfer the dough into it. Meanwhile, move the dough around so that the oil coats most of it, so it doesn’t stick. Warning: the dough is very sticky. After that, cover and let it rise in the fridge for about 24 hours. This long leavening will guarantee that the focaccia will be airy and not stiff.

Step 4

After that, take the dough out of the fridge, coat a non-stick baking pan with 2 tbsp olive oil and transfer the dough in said baking pan. Then, spread the dough evenly, and let it rest – uncovered – near a warm place for about 2 to 4 hours. In order to check if it is ready, press with your thumb. If the dough doesn’t spring back and your thumb leaves a mark, it is ready for baking.

Step 5

The last part is the fun part! Take a moment to admire this alive baby, with all the bubbles on the surface. First, coat it with the last 2 tbsp olive oil. Then, dip your fingers in it to create deep dimples throughout the dough. Lastly, sprinkle with some rosemary and flaky sea salt and bake in a preheated oven at 450o F or 225o C for 25’-30’ until golden brown.

yeaheating easiest no knead focaccia

Easiest No-Knead Focaccia

Prep Time 23 hours
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 day
Course Appetizer, Side Dish
Cuisine Italian
Servings 12 pieces


  • Two 9 x 13 inch non stick baking pans (or a very big one).


  • 1 sachet dry yeast
  • 2 1/2 cups water lukewarm
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 4 3/4 cup bread flour
  • 1-2 tbsp rosemary chopped
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 8 tbsp olive oil
  • flaky sea salt


  • Mix yeast with lukewarm water and some honey into a bowl.
  • Let mixture sit for a couple of minutes, then add the rosemary, salt and flour and mix together with a spatula.
  • Add half of the olive oil into a big bowl and transfer the dough into it, moving the dough around so that the oil coats it. Then, cover and let it rise in the fridge for about 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours in the fridge, coat the non-stick baking pan(s) with 2 tbsp olive oil and transfer the dough. Spread evenly, and let it rest – uncovered – near a warm place for 2 to 4 hours.
  • Coat dough with 2 tbsp olive oil and dip your fingers in it to create deep dimples. Sprinkle with rosemary and flaky sea salt and bake in a preheated oven at 450o F or 225o C for 25’-30’ until golden brown.
Keyword bread, focaccia, focaccia bread, no-knead, rosemary focaccia
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